
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Ladies, would you buy this swimsuit for N160M?

The newly crowned Miss UniverseGabriela Isler of Venezuela kicked off her duties right away in Moscow by donning a jewel-studded swimming costume valued at $1m (N1,600,000).
As the new face of an Italian lingerie company, Isler, 25, rocked the white cut-away swimming costume featuring an emerald pendant and swirls of diamonds and rubies, with a fur boa wrapped around the hips.
Can you buy lingerie worth N160m?

Sunday 10 November 2013

World’s Richest Piece Of Land Is In Africa – REVEALED

landingpiece123The title “’s   of real estate” may conjure up images of Rodeo Drive, the French Riviera or New York City’s Fifth Avenue, but it may actually be located in…Botswana. 
According to Debswana, a mining conglomerate jointly owned by De Beers and the Botswana government, the richest piece of  on the planet may very well be the Jwaneng diamond mine, one of the world’s five super pits.“Jwaneng mine is the most valuable diamond mine in the world by value,” says Esther Kanaimba-Senai, the head of corporate affairs for Debswana in Botswana. “Each carat that we mine fetches a lot more money. … In addition the volume that we produce lends itself to be the most

Cossy Orjiakor insures boobs for N256million

Cossy OrjiakorAccording to a report by Vanguard, actress/singer has insured her boobs for N256m.
The actress was reported to have agreed to a deal toinsure her bloated mammary glands for a whooping $1.6million amounting to N256million.
The deal according to source, was introduced to her by an American friend who also dragged Enhanced Silicon Inc. responsible for insuring breasts of famous foreign celebrities into the deal. The company, which insured the bosóms of Pamela Anderson and Dolly Parton agreed to the deal just before Cossy’s recent birthday bash, where she displayed her endowments for the world to see. The booby actress will be travelling  toLos Angeles in two weeks to sign on the dotted lines. “I specifically asked for $1.6 million,” Cossy was quoted as saying.

Friday 1 November 2013

Wizkid is not a threat – Davido

Jayne Augoye engages rave of the moment, Davido, on fame, family and music
Davido is one artiste who sure knows how to blow his own trumpet. But, who won’t, when one has certain things going on well for oneself or when ‘the lines have fallen unto pleasant places’ as the Psalmist says. A rich father, a successful career which is barely three years old, a multi-million naira endorsement deal, sold-out concerts, a string of hits, a personal home, an enviable fleet of cars and a growing fan base – Davido boast all at the moment.
At 20, he has no doubt garnered what has taken many artistes years to achieve, that is, if God and mother-luck shines generously on them.
Ever since he drew the attention of millions of music fans to himself when he introduced himself as ‘Omo baba olowo’ in his 2011 hit song titled ‘Dami duro’, there has been no looking back for the singer, who says he is currently a part time student at Babcock University, Ilishan Remo.
“Everything is just God because I just wanted to do music, be happy and comfortable but He just turned my fortunes around and I thank Him for that,” he quips.
For some established artistes, fame and wealth can be a tad difficult to manage. But for Davido, it’s been a tough call especially since he has achieved both at a young age.
“Even though I have fame, money and other things working for me, I didn’t expect to be this big. I find it sometimes overwhelming that I am immediately recognised wherever I go and it is such a great feeling, that sometimes I feel like the president. I miss partying at the club with my friends, but at the same time I am happy because this is what I have always wanted to do,” he says.
No stranger to controversies and online scandals, Davido, admits that despite being a celebrity, he isn’t immune to general life issues.
“No doubt I have made some mistakes and I am not perfect. You know, sometimes I get overwhelmed or annoyed. I am a human being too, people have to understand that before they are quick to judge my actions,” he

ASUU strike: NANS website, Twitter account dormant

NANS website, Twitter account dormant
The website of the National Association of Nigerian Students,, and its Twitter account are dormant, findings by our correspondent have revealed.
A visit to the NANS official Twitter account, @TheNewNANS, on Thursday, showed that  it was last updated on July 3, two days after the ongoing industrial action embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities began.
On its Twitter page, the association, which boasts a membership strength of over 40 million Nigerian students, flaunts only 394 followers.
Besides, its website has no mention of the ongoing strike as well as efforts, if any, being made by NANS to find an amicable solution to the crisis.
The last time a piece of information was put on the portal was on September 29. Before then, a blog post on the

I’m blessed to have the kind of husband I have – Lami Philips

It is not often you come across a chic and beautiful woman who is all over town telling everyone who cares to listen how much she loves her husband. At least that’s what Lami Philips is trying to do with ‘Baby’, a track she said she dedicates to her husband. She recently completed the video in London and back at home WG ran into the suave beauty at an event where she talked about her career, her kind of music and more. Excerpts:

You look so beautiful even without any make-up
Thanks. Fact is that I just got back from rehearsals for a new video I’m shooting and I got all sweaty but had to quickly wipe my face with a towel inside the car
So what’s new?
We just released a new single called ‘Baby Mi’ and we are shooting another one and that’s why I’ve been all out.
*Lami Philips
*Lami Philips
What is it about ‘Baby Mi’ ?
Well, it was a song I wrote while I was in the studio. I was actually thinking about my husband and that’s how the inspiration came. So I just told my producer and we got few things down and that’s how we did the song.
What did your husband say when you told him the song was all about him?
Of course he blushed. He liked it. I’m just blessed to have the kind of husband I have. He’s been very supportive. He’s the voice in the background who has been urging me to go for whatever I want.
So your next single involves some kind of dance?
Yeah. The title is called ‘Romantic Boy’. It’s a kind of dance-hall song, something more fun and playful.
So it’s for the ‘Romantic Boy’ that you want to infuse some dance steps?
Yes. I just want to do something fun and playful this time around. That’s why you see that I’ve been going for dance rehearsals because we are shooting soon.
Does it mean you are rebranding because your previous albums don’t contain such?
I won’t want to call it re-branding because it’s who I’ve always been. I’ve always been the playful and fun type so it’s like putting who I am into the song. If you look at my last

Jokes of the Day

Lung Cancer

A man who was just about to be executed was asked whether he would like to have a last smoke.
The man answered, "No thank you, I don't smoke. I don't want to get lung cancer."

Letter Bomb

A couple of terrorist were making letter bombs. After they had finished, one said: “Do you think I put enough explosive in this envelope? “I don’t know,” said the other. “Open it and see.” “But it will explode.” “Don’t be stupid! It’s not addressed to you!


This guy goes up to a bar located at the top of the Empire State Building in New York. It looks like a nice place, and he takes a seat at the bar.

"This is a nice place. I've never been here before," he says to the guy next to him.
"Oh, really?" the other replies. "It is a nice place. It's also a very special bar."
"Why is that?" the first guy asks. "Well, do you see that painting on the far wall? That's an